Wednesday 27 July 2011

Paleo Brownies: Lottie Style

Food porn getting any yummier looking? I can vouch that these are lick-the-screen-worthy brownies!

There are so many brownie recipes out there on the Internet, all advising different measurements and different ingredients... I decided that with all these differing ideas, I'd screw the recipe book and make my own concoction (which has turned out to be not too shabby!).

Lottie's Paleo Brownies


- 2 eggs (beaten)
- 1 cup of raw honey
- 1/3 cup of almond butter
- 1/2 cup of almond flour/ground almonds
- 3 tablespoons oil (I used olive oil)
- 100 grams Carob chocolate (melted)
- 2 small tablespoons of cocoa powder


- Mix together the eggs, honey, almond butter and almond flour.
- Add the melted Carob chocolate to the mixture, followed by the cocoa powder
- Finally add the oil and mix together thoroughly.
- Pour into a small greased baking tray 
- Cook for roughly 40 minutes (I cooked it in an Aga and it took an hour, but that's because I'm awkward...)
- Do the skewer test and a little bit of gooeyness should be left on but not TOO much!

Stay Strong & Enjoy!

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