Friday, 15 July 2011

The Difficulties Of Non-Paleo Friends/Relatives

The Non-Paleo Pancake

As you may be aware, I'm 18 and still live at home.  I'm of a slender build with no desire to lose weight by taking up this Paleo lifestyle, merely to feel more healthy and treat my body the way that nature and evolution intended.

Unfortunately, my mother seems to be set against any "new diet" that I regulate for myself - a little lacking in support, one might say.  She insists on adding cream into soup (which I can't refuse to eat as I'll be accused of being "anorexic" or "starving myself") so I feel that today has been a slight failure in terms of my "whole30".  Included in this, I'm lactose sensitive so the cream will do double the damage that it would for most people!

I've tried to convince her whole-heartedly that I'm not attempting to diet, get skinny or lose weight; if anything it's the opposite, I want to get strong, healthy and toned.  I'm seeing it as more of a challenge - there has to be someone trying to push you in the wrong direction (I suppose) or it'd be too easy!  I'm going to build from my downfall of the soup incident today and use it to bolster my efforts because I want to complete this "whole30" in as efficient a way as possible!

I'm planning on having a 100% Paleo supper tonight to make sure that nothing that any parent might say to sway the matter will affect my meal!

Stay strong!

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